Awesome Internet: Jmcoon

Either twitter user Jmcoon is a brillaint hoax of 14 year old teen angst or… actually, who cares.  This is fantastic.  Let me share a few of his tweets:

  • Im so out of the h***hole called school…. LOL
  • I’m going to Laugh at this town some day
  • OMG i want out of this school … This town and school is full of wight trash …
  • I could not get asleep last night ….. not doing to grate today

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3 Responses

  1. tehe funny 🙂 yes its jmcoon

  2. I wish he’d spell “great”, “white” and “sitting” correctly. But otherwise, he keeps me entertained.

  3. jmcoon is a spammer. He follows and then unfollows thousands of people, hoping for a follow-back from some. Take a look at this thread from the Twitter Get Satisfaction! website for more info on him and his spammyness:

    I’m sorry to see that you got sucked in by jmcoon. 😦

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