Leaving Las Vegas

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I wanted to blog from my Vegas hotel room (how posh does that sound?) but between a less-than-reliable internet connection and being too tired from having to actually think and work all day at a seminar (the nerve!) I was unable to put anything down on keyboard and screen.

As I sit, I am in the Seattle airport waiting for my flight to Pullman.  I got some work done thinking that putting in an hour here allows me for an hour of un-productivity on Monday when I can already tell I will be dragging by two o’clock.  But since I don’t technically have a card to punch I guess I could have slacked off in my office anyway and nobody would likely notice.  Oh well.

Back to Vegas…. It’s a surreal place.  Walking around on Wednesday afternoon it occurred to me that The Strip is like an MC Escher painting: the more you stare at it the more you realize that you’ve been duped.  For example, I wanted to walk from my hotel (New York – New York) to the Planet Hollywood casino for the Best Buffet in Las Vegas.  When I started walking I thought “Well, Planet Hollywood is right there.  I should make it down in no time.”  The problem is that the buildings are so massive that everything looks close.

You can’t measure Vegas in blocks or miles or steps, only in time.  Which is ironic because time doesn’t seem to exist in Vegas.  When I left for my seminar at eight in the morning the slots were full on the casino floor and it was apparent that the men bellied up to the tables had been there most of the night and into the morning.

It made me feel sort of old, actually.

And the boobs!  Lord, the boobs!  I told Megan that I had seen more boobs on my first day that I had in my entire life.  She didn’t think this was the sort of thing that a man should share with his wife but I explained that these weren’t young, attractive boobs.  These were middle aged, inappropriate boobs.  I don’t know if that made her feel better or not but had she been there with me she would have said the same thing.

Now to the big question, how much money did I win.  I wasn’t counting but it was somewhere around negative twenty dollars which I consider a victory albeit a small one.

As always, these trips make me miss home.  This one more than usual, actually.  Simon amazes me everyday with something (especially his reading) and Owen is starting to get really fun (he says “Da!” when he needs me).  Also, Megan and I are starting to put our house together a bit as the Spring rolls in and I hate to miss all of that.  But I will be home soon, unbothered by the lights of the Las Vegas strip.

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