Notes from an airport

You know you’ve been on the road too much when it has been the same in-flight magazine for your last three trips.  How many times can I read about Alaska Airline’s partnership with Jones Soda?

Today I am off to Las Vegas for some donor visits and a two-day writing conference and I am optimistic about both.  I always like meeting with alumni.  This will be the first time I have connected with this particular graduate of Mathematics, but from our email exchanges he seems like a normally normal guy.

The conference is a two day workshop on copy writing.  While not technically my job, this should be a great chance for me to get back to what I think I do best: write.  Though I have to be honest, these blog posts are far below the level of skill and competence that I would like them to be at.  But I am going to keep plugging away in the hopes that the practice will help me improve.

Some thoughts from Gate D1 at SeaTac:

  • I plugged my computer in because the battery was a little low and I wanted to watch a movie on the flight to Vegas.  So, like what I presume to be a normal person, I sat down next to an outlet to charge up.  A lady with an electric blue Apple also wanted to plug in at the same outlet.  No big deal.  But instead of sitting in a chair adjacent to the plugger (there’s a space between two sets of four chairs) she plugged in, drug the cord across the floor, and is four chairs down.  Not a big deal because the terminal is fairly empty but who does that?
  • Speaking of terminal, did you see that Tom Hanks movie?  I remember watching it at Megan’s dad’s house and for two hours waiting for something to happen.  For some reason Megan or I had to get up so we paused the movie, not knowing that there was literally five minutes left. How can you be that close to the conclusion and not know it?  If you asked me today to give you a synopsis of the movie I would tell you that Tom Hanks had a funny accent and shaved in the airport bathroom.  I’ve seen a lot of movies like that at Dan’s.
  • My plane landed fifteen minutes early.  This is not important at all but I will mention it simply as a filler of space.

Finally, I will mention that I had planned on getting up at 4:38 this morning (that’s what the alarm was set for) so I could grab a bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios and finish packing my clothes.  Unfortunately, Owen must have thought I wanted to get up at 3:20 instead.  So I’ve been up for a while and will likely be too tired to enjoy a free evening in Las Vegas.  Had it not been for Mike & Mike on ESPN2 and Sportscenter on ESPN, along with a recorded episode of Conan O’Brien, that extra hour would have been a total washs.

PS… No free Wi-Fi here at SeaTac so this won’t get posted until this afternoon.

PPS… Tonight I am going to try to figure out how to use this built in webcam to record an email or a video post for this blog.  Wish me luck!

PPPS … Have been walking in Vegas for like five hours and need to rest.  Will blog about it tomorrow.

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