I love the Wii

A quick post from Wenatchee this morning…

For her birthday, Megan’s dad got her Wii Fit for our Nintendo Wii.  For those of you uninitiated into the cult-of-Wii, Wii Fit is a game that tests and improves your strength, balance and cardio through the use of a platform that you stand on.  I know, sounds idiotic, but in reality it does what it says it will do and is fun as hell.

We set up our Miis this morning (the avatar of yourself that lives in your virtual Wii world) and played a few games.  My favorite, more than heading soccer balls and having hula hoops tossed at me by a virtual Chuck Norris, had to be the step game.  A cross between step aerobics and Dance Dance Revolution, I was moving and grooving like I haven’t done in front of a small crowd since, well, maybe ever.

I’m going to try to stick with Wii fit to see if it can’t healthy me up a little before the holidays come in and kick all of our asses.  And this is why Wii Fit is such a brilliant idea: it makes exercise a little fun for lazy guys like myself.

But Wii Fit wasn’t the only game in town last night.  Grandpa Dan also picked up a copy of the Wii version of Mario Kart.  A classic, old-school Nintendo game updated for the motion sensing controls on the Wii.  We have two steering wheels and Simon, Dan and I were up past 11 o’clock last night playing.

This adds two more games to our Wii system and I really want to emphasise the word ‘our’ because it is rare that the Wii gets fired up without two, or all three of us, ready to play.  For a family, it’s great fun.

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