Befitting a first grader?

Last week, Simon climbed into bed and farted on me.  A good one, too.  It’s a game we play with each other (I know, incredibly mature) along with what I will call “shove the other person into stuff at the grocery store” and “Do you know how I know you love Hanna Montana?”  What’s scary is that Simon, at age seven, is already developing a sense of humor very much like my own.  Silliness and sarcasm are always on the table and if you can poke fun at someone else’s foibles?  Perfect.

Manly manifest destiny! by you.

Simon and I at Wall Drug, somewhere in a Dakota


Who knew that a seven year old could get humor?  Case in point, yesterday Simon sent me the following email:

I got my check from the Fair. i got $1.20. It is bush leeg!

As a dad, I couldn’t be prouder.