Pumpkin Patch

I wish I was a little bit taller
I wish I was a baller
I wish I had a girl who looked good
I would call her

“I Wish” by Skee-Lo

I do wish I was a better blogger.

I haven’t written here for months and, really, there’s no good excuse for it.  Sure, my life isn’t especially interesting but it isn’t completely boring either.  I’m lazy, I guess, and that’s the only excuse I have.

A quick sidebar on the above Skee-Lo lyrics… My freshman year in college, me and my suite mates had the CD single of this song which included no less than six versions of this forgettable rap classic.  We’d put it on before going out on the weekend.  That and the soundtrack from Rocky.

Back to the regularly scheduled blog…

Last weekend, Megan and I took Simon and Owen to a pumpkin patch outside of Colton.  In addition to pumpkins, which were overpriced, my culinary hero Smokin’ Papa was there.  In fact, Smokin’ Papa was so popular that they ran out of food, served from their red trailer, before I could get my order.  No matter, I substituted my grilled sausage with a pulled pork sandwich and suffered through deliciousness.

Simon (7) and Owen (16 mos) at the pumpkin patch

Simon (7) and Owen (16 mos) at the pumpkin patch

The boys had a great time.  Simon enjoyed walking through the crafts and playing at a table full of peas or lentils or something else harvested.  Owen enjoyed wandering around the grounds.  Both boys had fun on the hay ride to the pumpkin patch.

It was an interesting Saturday.  Not only did we venture out to the pumpkin patch but Simon had a soccer game and I had breakfast with a buddy I hadn’t seen for five or six years.

The soccer game went great.  Simon is really improving and his team is much better than the one he was on last year.  What impresses me the most about Simon’s game is how well he dribbles the ball and how aggressively he can play defense.  Yes, there are occasional lapses in concentration but cut the kid some slack, he’s seven.

Simon's first soccer game of the year

Simon playing soccer.

After the game I had breakfast with Geoff and his dad, Bob.  We met at Old European while they were on a break from hunting deer.  Geoff showed me some pictures of his little girl and said that there might be another one on the way (they were going to find out on Tuesday).  

Visiting with friends from a lifetime ago, and finding out that your new lives aren’t so different from each other, is always sort of surreal.  It makes you laugh a little bit about the person you used to be and proud of the person that you, and your friend, have become.