My wife is a better blogger than me

I have to come clean: My wife is a better blogger than I am.  She has had her blog for less than a week and has already posted twice (more than I can string together in a lifetime).  And good posts too.  Relevant things.  Not the sort of asinine stuff I’ve written about only to delete it when I think about sitting down to really do this blogging thing.

She even told me that one of the reasons she started her blog was to challenge me to write more on mine.

The nerve.

Well, we’ll see if it works.  In good faith I’ve put the RSS feed from her blog on the left hand side of Awesome Blog (free of charge!) but to balance it out I am including this picture of her with her eyes closed as Simon gives her bunny ears at this year’s Easter Egg Hunt.

Blogged with the Flock Browser


One Response

  1. IT IS…(wait for it)…ON

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